<aside> 💡 Overview Our Twitter account is @morefactories. This is our primary channel of communication given our initial target audience are Twitter users.


  1. We are following is 80% base tweets and 20% experiments (ie. explore-exploit).
  1. First time contributors draft Tweets and add them into the Twitter planning table. Tweets are revised and scheduled using TweetDeck.

  2. Experiments are proposed and scheduled in the same way of base tweets.



Ideas for Tweets

On Memes

External Resources

Tweet planning


Ongoing experiments


Discussion ideas

  1. How SMBs can have financial access to robotics?
    1. Robotics as a service
    2. Rent to own
  2. Profiling SMBs to use robotics
    1. Profile of SMBs
    2. Profile of tasks that are automatable
      1. What do new grippers enable?
    3. Profile to finance