Cadence/Format (podcast, newsletter)
- Newsletter:
- Does anyone have experience writing this type of material?
- 1 every 2 weeks
- Article based on discussion
- Article based on news
- Article highlighting cohort company
- Job openings at cohort companies
- Ad for sponsor
- Podcast
- Does anyone have experience hosting a podcast?
- Publish on newsletter off weeks
- Interview with founders at various stages
- Interview with policy folks
- Interview with industry experts
- Interview with VCs
How and why to contribute
- Have directory of working items, eg. write article → get feedback → post
- “want a tweet to be shared for the official account? basically a free ad for your startup”
Getting people to contribute
- Looking for someone to take ownership of asking for others to produce content
- Need to have someone in charge of solicitation + some cadence to add accountability
- Figure out where the best calls to action are — after discussion? weekly post? some sort of cadence for DMing people? some sort of meeting geared around it?
- Someone could be in charge of figuring this out, can have accountability by just tracking the number of contributions that person has gotten to happen, and checking in with that person on a cadence (e.g. at a planning meeting that meets once a week)
- ^ Can assign this as a task to someone (delegate)
- Tweets sharing the credentials, accomplishments, vision, etc. of the group as well as spreading messages that the group would like
- “building in public” with how we’re helping the community and how the community (those in it) is helping the world